Galerie Christian Collin

Old prints and modern prints
Contemporary prints
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Index of the artists


FICHE 19752

(1798 - 18?)

Georges Cadoudal (1771 - 1804)

after Anne-Louis Girodet Trioson (1767 - 1824)



Impression on Chine appliqué, published and printed by Union Sentex, in Paris. 

This plate is part of a series of 12 lithographs published between 1824 and 1830 and depicting portraits of Vendean generals: Louis de Larochejaquelein (1777-1815), Henri de Larochejaquelein (1772-1794), Louis de Lescure (1766-1793) , Jacques Cathelineau (1775-1793), Bonchamps (1760-1793), Charrette (1763-1796), Stofflet (1751-1796), the Prince of Talmont (1765-1794), Elbée (1752-1794), Suzannet (1772-1815), Georges Cadoudal (1771-1804) and Frotté (1755-1800).

All were commissioned by Armand Louis Charles Rose of Lostanges (1759-1836) for the benefit of the Vendeans heroes and victims of the wars of Vendée. The twelve plates were executed by Zéphirin Belliard after different artists: Paulin Guérin, Girodet-Trioson and Robert Lefebvre.

Sheet: 466 x 338 mm

Chine:  420 x 289 mm

Condition: Stamp Au profit des vendéens (Lugt 4956) cut off. 

350 €