Galerie Christian Collin

Old prints and modern prints
Contemporary prints
Japanese prints


Last acquisitions

BRUSTOLON Giovanni Battista

FICHE 19755

(1733 - 1817)

The new Doge is crowned with the 'corno' hat standing at the top of the Scala de Giganti in the Palazzo Ducale

after Antonio Canaletto (1697 - 1768)

Etching and engraving

circa 1766

Impression on watermarked laid paper, plate 3 of the series Le Feste Ducali, published by Furlanetto, in Venice.

Sheet: 477 x 638 mm

Plate: 444 x 565 mm

Reference: a proof is preserved in the British Museum.

Condition: trimmed to the platemark on one side.

550 €