Pablo Flaiszman is born in Argentina in Buenos Aires. He began to educated himself on painting and drawing with Luisa Reisner. Thanks to her he met Alfredo de Vincenzo in 1997 who teach him the way to engrave. He quickly chose to exploit the techniques of etching and aquatint. The first allows him to " to find again the freedom of the line that he likes in the drawing and, the second, to play with the infinite nuances and values of the painter's palette, here translated in black and white". (1)
In 2000, Pablo Flaiszman move to Paris to follow his artistic adventure. He met the Danish artiste Bo Halbirk with whom he improved his aquatint technique. To compose his works, he relies on old or contemporary family photographs in black and white. He turns these scenes of everyday life into photomontages. This work serves as a basis to compose his engraving but other changes can still occur because it does not faithfully transfer on the plate the elements of the photomontage. After this step, he begins the work of aquatint, in which he excels and where he shows a wide variety of blacks "alternately light, deep, hard or soft, more or less grayish" (2) and contrasting with white. His work is a subtle balance of black and white, each revealing the other. By using only these two tones, Pablo's world appears disturbing and mysterious and makes the viewer wonder.
(1) Laurence Paton, « L’inquiétante étrangeté des gravures de Pablo Flaiszman » dans Arts et Métiers du Livre, n°328, septembre-octobre 2018.
(2) Béatrice Vingtrinier, Revue ACTUEL, l’estampe contemporaine n°19 / 2020